Demonstrable Results Matter
Cyber Guilde
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Technologies Enabling Digital Business Transformation
Cyber Guilde
Agile Software Development
Cyber Guilde Services
Tools and Technology Knowledge Transfer
Technical Architecture Review, Assessment, and Road-map
We use contemporary software development tools, technologies and techniques to quickly achieve results and sustain both quality and productivity in subsequent builds.  We believe that Agile software development practices provide the best means of developing adaptable, flexible software built by teams who are responsive to the needs of the business.
We have the capacity to jump start new effort with the option to integrate others into core development teams at a build-out pace which meets our clients' performance objectives.
At Cyber Guilde, we are passionate about using proven, effective techniques to rapidly develop high quality software. We have found that small teams working closely together can produce big results: faster, better quality, and at less cost.  We are constantly researching new tools and technologies which help our clients focus on delivering effective technical solutions.

We provide a variety of services including:
We provide a variety of options to learn and apply our design and development practices to software development project teams.  We believe that effective knowledge transfer occurs between people when they are working together focused on solving technical problems.  We continue to deliver traditional classroom curriculum-based training on tools, technologies, programming languages, in addition to embedding ourselves on project teams and taking the opportunity of problems encountered to effectively disseminate knowledge and ability throughout the project team.
The last few years have seen great technologies developed to improve the quality and effectiveness of creating web-based services and applications, including enterprise integration.  We provide down-to-the-code, comprehensive assessment of the technologies presently used and the options available for renewal that reduce costs, improve opportunity, capability and quality of web applications.  We also provide proof-of-concept prototype development as the means to demonstrate real results and make confident modernization decisions.
Technical Proposal R&D, Prototype, and Proof-of-Concept
There is nothing better for a prospective client to witness than a running solution.  We work with clients who value producing a demonstrable result as part of their proposal; we believe that this is the best driver for producing a realistic, proposed technical solution and will make the technical architecture understandable and easier to review by a broad reviewer audience.  
We assess and recommend technical solutions which mitigate threats to cross-enterprise information exchanges and protect consumer accounts. We have been asked by many clients to provide systems design and implementation expertise necessary to integrate Identity and Access Management solutions into enterprise infrastructure and business applications. We believe that Identity Credential and Access Management are mission-critical capabilities necessary to assure trust in digital commerce. Key ICAM capabilities include: digital identity, privilege management, credentialing, authentication, authorization, access control, cryptography, auditing and reporting and monitoring and dynamic adaptation.